Modernization of Ester Feliciano Mendoza School

This school is comprised of a series of buildings organized along a main pedestrian connection which traverse the site from east to west. Most of the school buildings present lack of maintenance, makeshift utilities installations, and unplanned additions, and are in poor conditions. Two sets of buildings can be identified; the first being the original ones located along the main pedestrian axis constructed in the mid-fifties by the US Army; and the second set of buildings located in the west end of the site which were added in recent years and are one more example of the typical classroom module added over the years in most of the schools of the country. The building is registered under the Historic Monuments and Zones of the Institute of Puerto Rican Culture. This Project is part of the Request for Proposal #9 of the Schools for the 21st Century Program of the PR Infrastructure Authority, in which Integra was selected along with Aireko Construction for performing a design-build and construction supervision. Some of the services Integra provided are:

  • Architectural Design
  • Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Structural Engineering
  • Preparation of Construction Documents and Technical Specifications
  • Construction Supervision and Quality Control

Project Details

Location :

Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

Project Type :

Institutional / Public Middle School