The Comprehensive Rehabilitation and Modernization of Bella Vista Public Housing, requested by the Puerto Rico Public Housing Administration (PRPHA), was awarded to Integra for their capabilities for handling various aspects that the Project demanded. The Project, estimated at $12 million, consists of 14 existing buildings with 100 dwelling units, administration and maintenance building, parking areas, recreational facilities and community services program. In addition, Bella Vista was provided with a new community center, new recreational facilities, flood remediation and civil site and electrical site improvements. The scope of Integra’s involvement in this Project included recruiting residents for gathering information, which may meet the terms of Section 3 of HUD Act of 1968, Schematic Design or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), Design Development, Construction Documents, Permits Procurement, Cost Estimate, Competitive Bidding and Construction Observation. This fully participation in the rehabilitation of Bella Vista Public Housing allows Integra to have a better knowledge on managing all the aspects implicated in the goals and priorities for PRPHA’s modernization projects. In the Schematic Design phase (MOU) relevant information about the Project Site conditions were gathered to assess the needs of the Project and establish a well-defined plan of proposed actions required to complete the modernization works. Overall, in this phase Integra determined that, in addition to rehabilitating the dwelling units and existing community structures and facilities, new community center, new recreational facilities and site improvements were considered necessary to satisfy the community needs and promote recreational activities. Residents of the Project were employed under Section 3 of HUD Act of 1968 for documenting the data for determining the MOU’s strategies. Along with the Design Development and Construction Documents phases the construction cost estimate was established to ensure that the design of the Project was within the PRPHA’s budget. Also, preparing documentation for permits procurement allowed Integra to demonstrate compliance with local agencies and laws in the design of the Project. Integra provided support to PRPHA during the competitive bidding stage by generating the bid sets, assisting to the Pre-Bid and Bid Meetings and recommending an award to the offer that most satisfied the Project’s requirements. In addition, periodic visits to the construction site during the construction observation phase allowed Integra to guarantee that the construction activities were in accordance with the Project’s design and specifications and PRPHA’s schedules and budget.