Integra opens U.S. hub office in Charlotte

The Charlotte Business Journal published a great feature story to mark the opening of Integra Architecture’s office at Packard Place (pictured).
Resilience: the new design imperative

Do not build or retrofit without it, as market and climate changes have turned it into as much a must as insurance and readiness.
Wait! Before you build new, take a closer look at the old

Well, more “existing” than old, as you discover the game-changing value of Adaptive Reuse.
Software design v. building design? Doesn’t have to be that way.

Lots has been written about the sharing economy, but not about the profound consequences for planning and architectural design. We figured we’d get that conversation going.
‘Well, that was easy!’

Want all your users/customers to say that when moving through your facility? Try wayfinding, but make sure it’s the new, flexible variety.
Data and the city

If you think Big Data is sexy, you should meet GIS. They’re getting married, in fact, at City Form Lab, to make cities more livable, resilient and competitive. It could not happen at a better time.
Phenome-what? Time to reclaim an art forgotten.

Architects design for the total human experience in such spaces as restaurants and spas to enhance performance, but not so much in offices, hospitals and other environments. It’s time to change that, and now with WELL, even more so.
Getting ready for the Next Million: Charlotte is born anew

There is Austin. There is Seattle. There is Denver. And now there is Charlotte. It is America’s new hot spot and darling city. The place to be. The new #1. The only such city in the South. The challenge now: to stay on top and grow the lead. Here are some ideas on how to pull it off.